
Heat Equation Example: f(r,theta) = r(1-r^2)sin(3theta)^2.

Switching over to cylindrical coords, but had to make my own with z=f(r,theta).

> addcoords(zcylindrical,[z,r,theta],[r*cos(theta),r*sin(theta),z],

Setting up my own color scheme b/c maple will change it to whatever it wants.

> B:= z -> piecewise(z<0.6, 1.0, -z/0.4 + 2.5 );

B := proc (z) options operator, arrow; piecewise(z < .6, 1.0, -z/.4+2.5) end proc

> R:= z -> piecewise(z<0.4, z/0.4, 1.0);

R := proc (z) options operator, arrow; piecewise(z < .4, z/.4, 1.0) end proc

> plot([R(z),B(z)],z=0..1,color=[red,blue]);


Plotting z=f(r,theta), polar coords, my colors.

> f:= (r,theta) -> r*(1-r^2)*sin(3*theta)^2;

f := proc (r, theta) options operator, arrow; r*(1-r^2)*sin(3*theta)^2 end proc

> plot3d(f(r,theta), r=0..1,theta=0..2*Pi,view=0..0.5,coords=zcylindrical,numpoints=10000,
color=[R(f(r,theta)/0.4) ,0, B(f(r,theta)/0.4)]);


Working out the Fourier-Bessel series coeffs.

> fr := (r) -> r*(1-r^2);

fr := proc (r) options operator, arrow; r*(1-r^2) end proc

> g := (n,m) -> evalf(BesselJZeros(n,m));

g := proc (n, m) options operator, arrow; evalf(BesselJZeros(n, m)) end proc

> b0 := m -> (int(r*fr(r)*BesselJ(0,g(0,m)*r) ,r=0..1))/(int(r*BesselJ(0,g(0,m)*r)^2 ,r=0..1));

b0 := proc (m) options operator, arrow; int(r*fr(r)*BesselJ(0, g(0, m)*r), r = 0 .. 1)/int(r*BesselJ(0, g(0, m)*r)^2, r = 0 .. 1) end proc

> b6 := m -> (int(r*fr(r)*BesselJ(6,g(6,m)*r) ,r=0..1))/(int(r*BesselJ(6,g(6,m)*r)^2 ,r=0..1));

b6 := proc (m) options operator, arrow; int(r*fr(r)*BesselJ(6, g(6, m)*r), r = 0 .. 1)/int(r*BesselJ(6, g(6, m)*r)^2, r = 0 .. 1) end proc

Setting up the Fourier-Bessel series for t=0.

> M:=10:   # Experiment with different values for M.

> U0 := (r,theta) -> 1/2*sum( b0(m)*BesselJ(0,g(0,m)*r) ,m=1..M) - 1/2*cos(6*theta)*sum(  b6(m)*BesselJ(6,g(6,m)*r), m=1..M);

U0 := proc (r, theta) options operator, arrow; 1/2*(sum(b0(m)*BesselJ(0, g(0, m)*r), m = 1 .. M))-1/2*cos(6*theta)*(sum(b6(m)*BesselJ(6, g(6, m)*r), m = 1 .. M)) end proc

> plot3d(U0(r,theta),r=0..1,theta=0..2*Pi,coords=zcylindrical,view=0..0.5,
color=[R(U0(r,theta)/0.4), 0, B (U0(r,theta)/0.4)],numpoints=10000);


Setting up Fourier-Bessel series for any time t.

> M:=10:

> U := (r,theta,t) -> 1/2*sum( b0(m)*BesselJ(0,g(0,m)*r)*exp(-g(0,m)^2*t) ,m=1..M) - 1/2*cos(6*theta)*sum(  b6(m)*BesselJ(6,g(6,m)*r)*exp(-g(6,m)^2*t), m=1..M);

U := proc (r, theta, t) options operator, arrow; 1/2*(sum(b0(m)*BesselJ(0, g(0, m)*r)*exp(-g(0, m)^2*t), m = 1 .. M))-1/2*cos(6*theta)*(sum(b6(m)*BesselJ(6, g(6, m)*r)*exp(-g(6, m)^2*t), m = 1 .. M)) ...


> plot3d(U(r,theta,0.001),r=0..1,theta=0..2*Pi,coords=zcylindrical,view=0..0.5,
color=[R(U(r,theta,0.001)/0.4) , 0,B( U(r,theta,0.001)/0.4) ],numpoints=10000,title="t=0.001");


> plot3d(U(r,theta,0.003),r=0..1,theta=0..2*Pi,coords=zcylindrical,view=0..0.5,
color=[R(U(r,theta,0.003)/0.4) , 0,B( U(r,theta,0.003)/0.4) ],numpoints=10000,title="t=0.003");


> plot3d(U(r,theta,0.005),r=0..1,theta=0..2*Pi,coords=zcylindrical,view=0..0.5,
color=[R(U(r,theta,0.005)/0.4) , 0,B( U(r,theta,0.005)/0.4) ],numpoints=10000,title="t=0.005");


> plot3d(U(r,theta,0.01),r=0..1,theta=0..2*Pi,coords=zcylindrical,view=0..0.5,
color=[R(U(r,theta,0.01)/0.4) , 0,B( U(r,theta,0.01)/0.4) ],numpoints=10000,title="t=0.01");


> plot3d(U(r,theta,0.02),r=0..1,theta=0..2*Pi,coords=zcylindrical,view=0..0.5,
color=[R(U(r,theta,0.02)/0.4) , 0,B( U(r,theta,0.02)/0.4) ],numpoints=10000,title="t=0.02");


> plot3d(U(r,theta,0.05),r=0..1,theta=0..2*Pi,coords=zcylindrical,view=0..0.5,color=[R(U(r,theta,0.05)/0.4) , 0,B( U(r,theta,0.05)/0.4) ],numpoints=10000,title="t=0.05");


> plot3d(U(r,theta,0.1),r=0..1,theta=0..2*Pi,coords=zcylindrical,view=0..0.5,color=[R(U(r,theta,0.1)/0.4) , 0,B( U(r,theta,0.1)/0.4) ],numpoints=10000,title="t=0.1");


> with(plots):

Warning, the name changecoords has been redefined

> animate(plot3d,[U(r,theta,t),r=0..1,theta=0..2*Pi,coords=zcylindrical,view=0..0.5,color=[R(U(r,theta,t)/0.4) , 0,B( U(r,theta,t)/0.4) ],numpoints=1000 ],t=0..0.1);

